Zapier offers integrations for over 2,000 apps, letting you move data between them or automate repetitive tasks, without a single line of code. Sharing Onclusive Social insights or pushing custom data sources to Onclusive Social has never been easier.
Connect your Onclusive Social account with Zapier.
Select mentions or metrics from the Onclusive Social topic of your choice, with optional filters and text processing.
Send the data to one of the 2,000 apps supported by Zapier.
Select one data source among the 2,000 apps supported by Zapier.
Match data fields to create a new mention in Onclusive Social.
Enrich your insights with additional custom data coming right into Onclusive Social 5W analysis.
New mention
New article |
Onclusive Social mentions or Onclusive Intelligence articles will be pushed as a Zapier trigger. |
Mention metric
Onclusive Social mention metrics will be pushed as a Zapier trigger. |
New mention
New article |
Onclusive Social mentions or Onclusive Intelligence article will be created upon a Zapier action. |
You must have an account on Zapier (any plan) to use this connector.
Some third-party Premium apps on Zapier require one of Zapier paid plans.
This connector is available for the Onclusive Social Listening module and Onclusive Intelligence.