IHS Markit
IHS Markit
Company Data

Key Benefits

Boost data flowing into Digimind and enrich market knowledge with the most comprehensive economic, financial, and political coverage of countries, regions, and industries available from any source. Improve your global scope, with coverage extending to over 200 countries.

Data Flow

This shows how information will flow between Digimind and IHS Markit.
Research & Analysis
Custom sources
IHS Markit Research & Analysis are pushed to Digimind custom sources.



You must have an account on IHS Markit to export reports to Digimind.

This connector is available as a custom source on Digimind Intelligence.

Digimind Marketplace

Digimind integrates with your daily business applications

Digimind Marketplace

Digimind integrates with your daily business applications

Discover how Digimind's Marketplace, a powerful application ecosystem, will change the way your organization manages Market Intelligence projects.